Social Retail® platform is now integrated and compatible with the Samsung software solution “Samsung Smart Signage Platform” (SSSP) for the European market.
This partnership allows Nomosphère to offer a comprehensive solution providing both Wifi & iBeacon Technology powered by Social Retail.
Media Companies
If you have chain retail customers who are interested in proximity marketing and customer acquisition, then they should be thinking about Beacon technology.
And when it comes to deploying beacon technology and messaging management, Social Retail® is the platform that can catapult them (and you) into the most efficient and effective zone.
Social Retail is the ideal product for integrators, because we offer solutions for in store: digital screens, audio, as well as for Beacons, and Social Media. All in one place. Our technology is the ideal recommendation for your customers.
Beacons are quickly becoming the future targeted marketing. Bring your clients a breakthrough beacon solution from Digital Social Retail and make your firm that much more valuable to your clients.
With Social Retail, your app users can realize benefits from our retail partners, and you can realize income stream.
If you are in the business of reaching customers or helping your clients reach their customers.. we should talk.. Digital Social Retail is the outbound message solution. Contact us to discuss.